Municipality of Stalowa Wola
announces the start of the project:
“Reconstruction and conservation works in the Municipal Community Centre in Stalowa Wola for an effectively use of the cultural heritage”
under the “Culture” Programme, Action 1 “Improving Cultural Heritage Management” co-financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2014–2021.
The total value of the project in accordance with contract No. 84/2021/DZIAŁANIE1/MFEOG concluded on 27 January 2021 and Annex No. 1 of 20 December 2022 is:
5 096 874,43 EUR/ 22 001 168,16 PLN of which:
2 662 778,90 EUR / 11 494 151,39 PLN – financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism;
469 902,16 EUR/ 2 028 379,68 PLN – financing from the State Budget;
1 964 193, 37 EUR/ 8 478 637,09 PLN – own contribution of the Municipality of Stalowa Wola and Project Partners: Municipal Community Centre in Stalowa Wola, INTBAU Norway.
The main objective of the project is to improve the management of cultural heritage by creating suitable conditions for cultural activities thanks to the reconstruction and conservation works at the Municipal Community Centre in Stalowa Wola.
The project in question covers both infrastructural and soft activities, which have been developed together with the local community during public consultations conducted by the Beneficiary and the Polish Partner. An important element of the project is cooperation with the Norwegian Partner as well as consulting and knowledge exchange in the field of cultural heritage management, promoting the values of traditional architecture, increasing access to art, culture and education, as well as joint organisation of workshops, exhibitions and conferences.
The implementation of the project will strengthen the representative and tourist function of the historic building, which is a kind of symbol – a sign of its times. The project will emphasize the timeless nature of art (including architectural and functional art), as well as its diversity and richness. Cooperation with the Foreign Partner will let us draw on its experience in taking care for the local cultural heritage.
Municipality of Stalowa Wola:
The Municipality of Stalowa Wola Commune is responsible for carrying out conservation, renovation, construction and installation works in the historic building of the Community Centre in Stalowa Wola, as part of which it is planned to reconstruct and renovate the auditorium, the stage and adjacent rooms in the historic building of the Community Centre, perform adaptive reuse works so as to convert a small cinema room into a music and theatre hall along with the adaptation of an additional room for the backstage and dressing room purposes. As part of the project, it is also planned to adapt new premises located on the second floor of the Community Centre building so that they can host cultural activities. These premises are currently used as staff lounge and storage rooms.
In the first room, with the area of 35.2 m2, the Local Cultural Heritage Management Department will be created, which will be responsible for collecting, processing, promoting, preserving and sharing the heritage of the Community Centre and the city of Stalowa Wola.
In the second room, with the area of 54.31 m2, a cultural and educational room will be created, which will become a place of cultural education for the local community participants with the use of modern forms of expression.
The project also provides for the renovation of the Lasowiacy group ballet room and widening of communication routes, thus making all floors of the building accessible to people with physical disabilities. Solutions will be implemented to improve the building’s energy efficiency (including by energy saving), and a new door locking system will be installed in the facility that will use magnetic cards.
The total cost of the above works is 4 394 165,26 EUR/ 18 967 853,75 PLN, including:
2 230 587,87 EUR/ 9 628 555,62 PLN – financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism for the task carried out by the Municipality of Stalowa Wola;
393 633,16 EUR/ 1 699 156,88 PLN – financing from the State Budget for the task carried out by the Municipality of Stalowa Wola;
1 769 944,23 EUR/ 7 640 141,25 PLN – own contribution of the Municipality of Stalowa Wola.
Municipal Community Centre in Stalowa Wola:
The Municipal Community Centre, in cooperation with the Partner from the Donor States – Norwegian non-governmental organisation INTBAU Norway is responsible for the implementation of soft activities, including the implementation of the cultural and educational proposal, which will be based on:
The events planned during the implementation of the project are diverse, addressed to numerous target groups, and tailored to their respective expectations and needs. Their diversity arises from the proposed forms of activity and target audience groups. During the project, an offer of 22 new cultural and educational events will be prepared, addressed to all audiences, during which residents will have an opportunity to take part in exhibitions, workshops, conferences, or get acquainted with newly created educational and promotional publications (a series of thematic, educational publications on cultural topics and a knowledge base for schools in the field of regional education on the Lasowiacy group heritage).
In addition, the Local Cultural Heritage Management Department will be established with the task to collect, process, promote, preserve and share the cultural heritage associated with Municipal Community Centre and the Lasowiacki Cluster so as to integrate entities from the area inhabited by the Lasowiacy group at the confluence of the Vistula and San rivers. This action is aimed at supporting businesses based on native tradition. Source materials for the Lasowiacy group’s rituals will be developed, the Song and Dance Ensemble “Lasowiacy” and the Song and Dance Ensemble “Small Lasowiacy” will be reinterpreted, whereas the Lasowiacy Craft Festival will be the culmination of all these activities.
The new cultural and educational offer will continue to be implemented following the end of the material implementation of the project, i.e. during its durability period. At that time, it will be possible to benefit from 23 interesting proposals, such as: educational paths, competitions, festivals, concerts, family workshops, educational shows and performances. Community archives will be started as well. Most of the above-mentioned activities will refer to the heritage of the region (including of the Lasowiacy group and the Municipal Community Centre), as well as the heritage of the city of Stalowa Wola.
The events planned will be aimed at seniors, adults, children and teenagers, as well as all interested residents of Stalowa Wola and its neighbourhood. Family, intergenerational and integration activities will be organises, as well as initiatives to integrate the Ukrainian minority in our city.
An integral part of the project will be training 275 people during 10 seminars, including professional seminars targeted mainly at employees of the Municipal Community Centre. Training topics will revolve around cultural heritage management and making the cultural and educational offer accessible to new target groups, i.e. people with physical or various other disabilities by adequately responding to the needs of these groups. The remaining 4 seminars will be attended by business entities from the region, involved in the establishment of the Lasowiacki Cluster.
The project also provides for publicity measures. As part of the information and promotion activities, it is planned to organise a press conference inaugurating the project, as well as academic conferences based on lectures, discussion panels and workshops. Other measures will include obtaining media partners, creating a website, and preparing promotional literature.
Furthermore, the task will include the activities related to the purchase of equipment necessary to conduct cultural activities and protect cultural heritage, not only within the renovated premises, but also in newly created spaces that have not been used for cultural purposes so far.
The total cost of the activities referred to above is 666 309,17 EUR/ 2 876 190,17 PLN, of which:
405 892,03 EUR/ 1 752 073,51 PLN – financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism for the task carried out by the Project Partner – Municipal Community Centre;
71 628,00 EUR/ 309 189,46 PLN – financing from the State Budget for the task carried out by the Project Partner – Municipal Community Centre;
188 789,14 EUR/ 814 927,20 PLN – own contribution of the Project Partner – Municipal Community Centre.
Norwegian Partner – INTBAU Norway:
Cooperation with the Norwegian partner will mainly consist in the exchange of experiences related to the management of local cultural heritage, developing strategies for reinterpreting difficult heritage, as well as disseminating knowledge about the role of artists of Jewish origin in building Polish culture resources.
The Partner will take an active part in the implementation of the cultural proposal during the project period. Among the most important events in which it will participate, it is worth mentioning the involvement in the preparation of the exhibition: “The Model Production City: Architecture of Stalowa Wola 1937–1989”, the opening event for of the exhibition: “The Model Production City: Architecture of Stalowa Wola 1937–1989”, as well as a scientific conference and accompanying discussion panels in the role of an expert in difficult heritage in practice.
With the experience gained, we will become able to work on creating our own Local Cultural Heritage Management Department and building our own identity.
The total cost of the above-mentioned activities is 36 400,00 EUR / 157 124,24 PLN, including:
26 299,00 EUR / 113 522,26 PLN – financing from the EEA Financial Mechanism for the task carried out by the Partner from the Donor States – INTBAU Norway;
4 641,00 EUR / 20 033,34 PLN – financing from the State Budget for the task carried out by the Partner from the Donor States – INTBAU Norway;
5 460,00 EUR / 23 568,64 PLN – own contribution of the Partner from the Donor States – INTBAU Norway.
Action | Indicator | Mandatory indicator | Base value | Target value | Verified based on |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of cultural heritage sites that have undergone renovation and revitalisation | Yes | 0 | 1 | Handover report |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of people trained | Yes | 0 | 275 | Reports on implementation of training seminars; attendance lists |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of professional training seminars | Yes | 0 | 6 | Report on implementation of training seminars; attendance lists |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of cultural activities organised at cultural heritage sites | Yes | 0 | 22 | Report on implementation of events |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of jobs created | Yes | 0 | 3 | Job contracts |
Sub-action 1.1 | Annual visitors to the supported projects | Yes | 103,422 | 110,462 | Report on implementation of events; accounting documents regarding the sale of tickets |
Sub-action 1.1 | Annual income from the supported projects | Yes | 1,018,345 | 1,038,545 | Report on implementation of events; reports on the activities of the Municipal Community Centre |
Sub-action 1.1 | Number of projects developed in consultation with the local community and/or municipalities | No | 0 | 1 | Attendance lists from public consultations; report on public consultations |
Project information:
Stalowa Wola City Hall:
Fund-raising Department
9 Wolności St, Room 13, 14
phone: 15 643 34 43, 15 643 34 76
Contact persons: Dorota Szymańska, Agnieszka Mączka
Municipal Community Centre (MDK):
9 1 Sierpnia St
37-450 Stalowa Wola
phone: 15 842 09 50
Contact persons: Marek Gruchota, Małgorzata Szufnarowska-Plewik